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Fat Loss Tips 1.4 - Fat Loss Training Program? 



Now, you have everything done right in your diet. What’s next? What should you be doing at the gym instead of messing around without a purpose?  In this post, we are going to talk about what a fat loss specific program looks like and why are we doing that.  

There are not many fat loss programs prevailing in the fitness industry and I bet you guys must have come across GBC.  What is GBC technically?  GBC stands for German Body Composition - a training program to maximize muscle growth and fat loss.  Woah, sounds fancy and something sorcery?  Not really.  The basic principle behind GBC is that it speeds up fat loss by the high concentration of lactate acid in blood after training.  With a high concentration of lactate acid in the blood, it stimulates more Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which is very beneficial to muscle growth.  Muscle building in fat loss programs is crucial as the hard-earned muscles can help you burn off some more calories thanks to the elevated metabolism.  Generically, the GBC program consists mainly of compound movements in pairs.  Rest time between exercises is around 30s - 75s depending on fitness level.  Oftentimes, GBC training is associated with tempo control.  A 3010 tempo is common to see because such tempo is optimized for muscle hypertrophy.  After completing 3 rounds of the first series (A1, A2), there will be a long break lasting for 2-4mins before we start the B series.  Weight selection wise, pick weights that you could finish with 10-15 reps.  Training for 3 days per week is strongly advised and here’s an example:

Training A

A1. Squat, 3 sets of 10, 3010

A2. Lat Pulldown, 3 sets of 10, 3010

B1. Walking Lunges, 3 sets of 10, 3010

B2. Bench Press, 3 sets of 10, 3010

C1. Cable Row, 3 sets of 12, 3010

C2. Shoulder Press, 3 sets of 12, 3010

C3. Triceps Pressdown, 3 sets of 12, 3010

Training B

A1. Romanian Deadlift, 3 sets of 10, 3010

A2. Incline Bench Press, 3 sets of 10, 3010

B1. Bulgarian Split Squat, 3 sets of 10, 3010

B2. Chin-up, 3 sets of 10, 3010

C1. DB Lateral Raise, 3 sets of 12, 3010

C2. Cable Chest Flys, 3 sets of 12, 3010

C3. DB Biceps Curl, 3 sets of 12, 3010

Hope you guys found the information provided handy and stay tuned for more content! 

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