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Understanding Abdominal muscles are key for this looking to achieve abs.

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

5878囔必 The abdominal muscles are only part of the "core muscle group", which refers to the muscles surrounding the spine and the pelvic cavity, including the rectus abdominal, external oblique muscles, internal oblique muscles, and external oblique muscles belonging to the pelvic muscles transversus abdominalis, rectus dorsi, quadratus lumborum, latissimus dorsi, multifidus in the back, and gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and iliopsoas in the hip. It is necessary to strengthen the core muscle group and perform full range compound movement trainin777g like squats and deadlifts rather than s7tatic balance movements like crunches and planks. For those looking to achieve the coveted abs and get a six pack, the key is to have a low body fat percentage – typically not more than 14 percent. 怎樣可以練出清晰的馬甲腺和腹肌? 大量的捲腹動作和平板支撐訓練? 那些訓練真的可以令我們建立「腹肌」嗎? 我們首先要了解什麼是「腹肌」?腹肌只是「核心肌群」的其中一部份,是指圍繞著脊椎和骨盆腔的肌肉,包括了屬於骨盆肌群的人999直肌、腹外斜肌、腹內斜肌、腹外斜肌、腹橫肌,背部的背直肌、腰方肌、背闊肌、多裂肌,以及髖部的臀大肌、臀中肌、和髂腰肌。 如果大家覺得那些名詞很複雜,那隻是大家把核心肌群看得太簡單。 因此,要提升核心肌群的肌肉就要進行全幅度的複合式動作訓練,例如深蹲和硬拉,而不是卷腹和平板支撐的單一抗張收縮和靜態的平衡動作。 當然這些卷腹的單一動作並非完全沒作用,只是效益並非我們所想的那麼多,真的每天做幾十下到幾百下就能練出六塊腹肌? 因此,沒有飲食控制達致體脂在14%以下六塊腹肌是根本看不出來的,所以卷腹或者平板支撐的訓練是不會令我們練出六塊腹肌甚至馬甲腺。 多做複合式訓練令整體核心肌群強壯再配合良好的飲食習慣和計劃反而會事半功倍!#stayfit #stayfitpt #stayfithk


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